Transforming Care
NHS England has introduced a new approach to health and care services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. Transforming care aims to improve health and care services so that more people can continue to live in their local community with the support they need to enjoy a happy, fulfilling and productive life as an active member of the community.
Transforming Care will ensure that people with learning disabilities and/or autism:
- are treated with dignity and respect
- get the support they need to live long and healthy lives
- have their own home within their community [with support]
- develop and maintain social relationships and
- have employment or meaningful occupation that enables them to contribute purposefully and feel a sense of achievement
We are developing the way we work to help young people and adults, and their families, get the right level of support at the right time. The care-co-ordination role is central to this support – it ensures understanding of the support available and helps with access to appropriate support that service users want from health and social care systems.
More details can be found on the learning disabilities page on the NHS England website.