Telephone: 0151 477 8950 Halewood, L26 1UU
When you are due to leave care you will have access to a personal advisor to help you prepare for the next stage of your life.

YVYC is an alternative to traditional day services.

Our aim is to enhance the lives of individuals who have either autism, disabilities or learning difficulties.

is a residential respite service, based on taking Young Adults with disabilities (aged 16 – 30)
provides assessment, treatment and support to children aged 10-19 years and their families.
Changes & provisions of the act and how they may affect children/families.
For brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
Whether you're a young person, looking for help for yourself or someone you know, or whether you're a teacher trying to help a student find support, the Youth Wellbeing Directory provides a list of local and national organisations for anyone up to the age of 25, along with important information you may find helpful.
Open access groups available for anyone in Knowsley. All other services are for those who live/or attend school in Liverpool or have a Liverpool GP
Anyone aged 10-18 whose gender identity is different to how others see it, or is questioning their gender identity. This could be someone whose gender identity does not match their biological sex.
Aged 18-24. Whether you are ready to begin work immediately, need help to get to this point or sit somewhere in between, the YEG programme may be for you.

Activities which are on offer on a regular basis include:

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

 The service aims to prevent offending and reduce re-offending by:

Student finance, loans and universities

Service offering different types of support to 16-30 year olds