Find your local school, bin collection day, library etc.
Government and NHS produced documents and guides around
November 2017
Supported Learning Internship Programme
KCC Supported Learning Internship Programme is run in partnership with Knowsley Council. This video was produced by KCC level 3 creative media students.
UK charity for people on the autism spectrum (including Asperger syndrome).
Before they make their first visit you can help to prepare them by chatting to them about what it will be like and how they will enjoy it.
Newlife is the UK's largest charity funder of children's specialist disability equipment.
Nisai Learning is an online school. We believe that every student has the right to an education, no matter what their personal situation, health or geographical location.
1:1 counselling for children over the age of 11 - there is a charge for each session
The National Deaf Children's Society is a British charity dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them.
Resources available - https://www.ndcs.org.uk/documents-and-resources/
National Citizen Service (NCS) is a way for 15 to 17 year olds living in England and Northern Ireland to make extraordinary friendships, learn the skills they don’t teach you in class and create unforgettable memories.
NCS is a unique two or three week full-time programme focused around fun and discovery, plus 30 hours committed to a community project that benefits both young people and society.
Would you like to receive confidential emotional support from another parent?
New Hutte Neighbourhood Centre is a vibrant hub of local services based at the heart of the Halewood community.
The centre offers a wide range of activities through out the week for local residents:
Monday - Elite Street Dance Company (07730329119) - 4 - 8:30pm
Our community dietitians provide a highly specialised service for adults and children who need nutritional advice and support for a range of conditions, including:
Working to end child cruelty across the UK
Telephone: 0151 477 8630 Kirkby, L33 8XF
The Knowsley Advocacy Hub is the single point of access for advocacy referrals and enquires in Knowsley including-
Welcome to the North West Special Educational Needs and Disability (
) Regional Network. You will find lots of useful information within the website which will keep you fully informed about the activity and priorities of the NW
Regional Network
The NSPCC have a number of videos both for parent/carers and children and young people.
Why we're NCB
Many children and young people, especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged, face a postcode lottery of service provision that prevents them from achieving their full potential.
Monthly newsletters packed with all the latest local, regional and national
Is a special school situated in Billinge for children and young people aged 7-19 years with emotional behaviour and mental health needs.
16-25 years old? This is for you!
Young people and young adults from BAYouth worked together with RCPCH &Us to think about what keeps them healthy, happy and well.
NYAS is a UK charity providing socio-legal services. We offer information, advice, advocacy and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults through a network of dedicated paid workers and volunteers throughout England and Wales.
NHS E-Bulletins
This helpline is for those aged between 13 and 20 years old and can help with anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and the specific anxieties that young people of this age can experience.