St Mark's Catholic Primary School
SEN Information Report
Special Educational Needs Policy
Primary school for children aged 3-11
School hours - 8:55am-3:10pm
Breakfast Club in school 8:00am – 8:55am costs £2.20 per day.
Various after school clubs take place.
After school club at St. Mary’s Roseheath which is on our school site until 5:30pm and during holidays.
Ofsted Inspection Sept 2018 quotes;
St Mark’s is a nurturing and happy school where pupils behave well and work hard. Pupils are polite to visitors and get on well with each other and the adults who teach them. Along with other school leaders, including governors, you have sustained many of the school’s strengths, including the positive and welcoming ethos.
Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school. They value the care, guidance and support which their children receive and the positive relationships that they have with members of staff.
Outcomes have improved in mathematics, and many pupils now make strong progress across key stage 2 in this subject. Pupils are also making better progress in reading, and the provisional results for 2018 show that the proportion achieving the expected standard at the end of key stage 2 has risen significantly.
There is a strong culture of safeguarding at St Mark’s. Leaders have ensured that all safeguarding policies meet current requirements, and that appropriate checks are made on all adults who work with children at the school. Safeguarding records are detailed and show that the school works effectively with outside agencies, where appropriate, to support vulnerable pupils and families.
Pupils say that they feel safe in school. They said that staff help them to learn what to do, and how to stay safe, in different situations. The Year 6 pupils that I spoke to told me how they learn to stay safe when using the internet. They also showed a good understanding of the different forms of bullying. They told me that bullying rarely happens at St Mark’s and that they have confidence in staff to quickly resolve any problems of this kind.
There are many strengths in the early years. Staff provide a well-organised and stimulating learning environment for children, both indoors and outside. There are excellent relationships between staff and parents and carers. Parents value the close interaction they have with school.
Contact Details
0151 288 8910 Avenue
L26 0XR
Additional Information
3 - 11
<p>Please contact school for details</p>
Healthy Schools,
Active Mark,
Children's University,
OK Participation Award,
Princess Diana Award
DBS Policy in place
Universal Access
08.55 - 15.10 during school terms (not including before and after school clubs)