Ravenscroft CP School
Ravenscroft CP School SEN Information Report
A Primary School for children 3-11 years.
Ravenscroft is at the heart of a learning community providing 'one-stop' and integrated services for children, families and the wider community. Ravenscroft school works in partnership with local schools (Kirkby Collaborative), health, social services, childcare and leisure to provide a range of opportunities and experiences.
Breakfast club 8.00am - 8.50am
Extended School Services Available:
30hr Offer and flexible 15hr offer available in Nursery.
Childcare or activities for children are offered in partnership with external providers
Childcare or activities for children are offered in partnership with other schools
Community use of school's sports, ICT or other facilities and spaces
Family learning (i.e. parents/carers/other adult family members learning together with children)
Work with health professionals to support pupils
Information on national/local advice and support for parents
Information sessions for all parents of pupils across the school Nursery-Year 6
Work with social care professionals to support pupils
Contact Details
0151 477 8290
ravenscroft@knowsley.gov.ukEbony Way
Tower Hill
L33 1XT
Additional Information
3 - 11
DBS Policy in place
1 stream entry admission numbers for Reception-Year 6 is 30 pupils
Universal Access
Monday-Friday 8.50-3.15 School day - Site open 7.30 - 5.30pm