Knowsley Library Service
All libraries have Children & Family spaces offering a broad selection of books, eBooks, and free computer use for library members. Our libraries host regular events for children and families such as after school sessions, Under 5s activities, and family events during all school holidays. Please contact your local library to see what's available.
The Library Service links with Schools, Health Centres, and Early Years Children's Centres in delivering Bookstart packs to babies and toddlers. Additional packs are available for babies and toddlers with a visual or hearing impairment, or with an additional language requirement.
Halewood Library, The Halewood Centre, Roseheath Drive, Halewood, Knowsley L26 9UH.
Huyton Library, Civic Way, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 9GD.
Kirkby Library, 1st Floor, The Kirkby Centre, Norwich Way, Kirkby, Knowsley, L32 8XY.
Prescot Library, Prescot Centre, Prescot Shopping Centre, Aspinall Street, Prescot, L34 5GA.
- Stockbridge Village Library, The Withens, Stockbridge Village, Knowsley, L28 1AB.
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