Knowsley Youth Offending Service
The service aims to prevent offending and reduce re-offending by:
- Listening to victims and supporting young people to right their wrongs, say sorry and mean sorry.
- Enabling young people and their families to take personal responsibility for their offending behaviour.
- Making sure that we understand the problem and that the right services are put in place at the right time to both reduce the risk of re-offending and keep everyone safe.
- Reassuring the public and increasing their safety by taking swift enforcement action as soon as the need is identified.
- Working together with communities helping to integrate young people back into the community.
- Employing the right people for the right job and ensuring that we continue to develop any new skills staff require.
- Ensuring that we use our resources responsibly by making sure we understand what works best.
Working in partnership with Knowsley Council, Police, National Probation Service, Health and Knowsley Youth Offending Service (YOS). The YOS has a statutory responsibility for the local co-ordination and delivery of youth justice services.
Contact Details
0151 443 3079 Villa
Griffiths Road Entrance
Off Westmorland Road
L36 6GA
Opening days / times
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (Some delivery carried out outside these hours)
Additional Information
Age range
10 - 18
Referral procedure
<p>via police or courts</p>
Things to know
DBS Policy in place.
Delivery period
Universal Access
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (Some delivery carried out outside these hours)