Family Learning and Parenting

The service delivers a range of courses and activities for parent/carers that help them to:

  • Support their children's education
  • Support their children's healthy development
  • Help parents to have positive relationships with their children and encourage positive parenting in the home.

Courses are delivered at school's, Children's Centres and community venues in Knowsley.

Contact Details

0151 443 5386

Knowsley Family Learning Centre
Westvale Primary School
Melverley Road
L32 0RQ

Opening days / times
Monday to Friday during the school day, usually Wednesday 9.30-11.30

Additional Information

Age range

0 - 18

Referral procedure

Parents can self-refer for parenting courses or are referred by professionals working with families.  Parents can enrol on family learning courses which are mainly advertised through schools.

Service cost
Disabled access info
All venues used have appropriate disabled access and facilities

All facilitators have received the appropraite training to deliver the programmes on offer.

Things to know

Maximum of 12 in a group

Courses are parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-18 years

DBS Policy in place

Delivery period
September - July

Universal Access Universal Access

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