Knowsley Works – Positive Inclusion Programme

The Positive Programme is a personal development and employability programme which aims to support local people of all ages from 16 years onwards, who require intensive specialist support to progress into education, training, or employment.

We can offer support with: 

  • Career, life goals and action planning
  • Training, short courses and Further Education
  • Numeracy, literacy and I.T. skills
  • Job searching and application forms
  • CV Support
  • Confidence and motivational coaching
  • Interview skills and techniques
  • Work placements

The programme is delivered on a one-to-one basis with your own personal mentor.

Are you eligible?

  • Inactive or unemployed?
  • Keen to develop new skills?

Have you?

  • A disability, learning difficulty or autism
  • Special educational needs
  • Physical and mental health conditions
  • Personal and social barriers

To register with us please call 0151 443 5010 and ask for the Positive   Team.

Contact Details

0151 443 5010

1st Floor Yorkon Building
Archway Road
L36 9FB

Opening days / times
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

Additional Information

Age range

16 -

Disabled access info
Appointment locations/venue can be made to suit the needs of the person. Enable advisor will liaise with person/family to arrange location.
Availability comments

 To register with us please call 0151 443 5010 and ask for the Positive Team.


Things to know

 To register with us please call 0151 443 5010 and ask for the Positive Team.

Or speak to Maria Hart Disabilities Employment Coach 07557 004145

Delivery period
January - December
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