Aids and Adaptions Team

The Aids and Adaptations Team complete assessments for difficulties that you might be having around the home, due to illness or disability.

We will assess your needs for aids and/or adaptations to help overcome these difficulties.

Examples of difficulties you may experience:

  • Trouble standing from a chair
  • Difficulty getting in/out of the front door of your property
  • Difficulty getting up and down the stairs
  • Difficulty getting in and out the bath or shower
  • Problems with using a wheelchair within your property

Following an assessment, a range of equipment or small adaptations to help you around your home may be provided at no cost, such as grab rails.

In some cases a disabled facilities grant may be recommended for a large adaptation, such as a stair lift or level access shower. These recommendations would only be made if equipment or smaller adaptations are not successful in overcoming your difficulties.

The service is available to Knowsley residents of all ages who have a long term health condition or disability. We are not able to accept referrals if you are having rehabilitation from another Therapy Team, as you may improve with the support of rehabilitation and no longer require a long term solution to your difficulties.

The Aids and Adaptations service is only able to assess for difficulties encountered in the home environment.

Referrals to the service can be made via the Knowsley First Response Team by calling them on 0151 443 2600.

Professional referrals for adults can also be made online via the following link: Knowsley Adult Social Care Portal. Follow the steps on the link to make a professional referral for either an Urgent Moving and Handling , Aids and Adaptations Referral, or Deaf Services referral (via the Sensory Loss Referral link). Please note you will need to create an account to make an online referral; once created this can be logged into for any future referrals made or for retrieving previous referrals completed.

Contact Details

0151 351 8720

Centre For Independent Living
Unit 11 Brickfields
Huyton Business Park
L36 6HY

Opening days / times
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Additional Information

Age range


Referral procedure

Referrals to the service can be made via the Knowsley First Response Team by calling them on 0151 443 2600.

Disabled access info
Level access/disabled parking. Access to all floors. Adapted Bathroom/Ceiling track hoist/wheelchairs if required.
Delivery period
January - December

Universal Access Universal Access

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