Setting up a new Childcare Business in Knowsley
If you are considering whether to start your own childminding business in your own home or in a new business premises, Knowsley Council can offer support, advice and guidance during this journey. This includes advice on registration applications and guidance on meeting Ofsted requirements. Support can be offered in the preparation for Ofsted inspection and in meeting staff ratios and qualifications and the statutory safeguarding and welfare requirements.
If you would specifically like to find out more about how to become a Childminder (also referred to as childcare on domestic premises) please visit our "How to become a childminder" information page .
If you are considering whether to start up new childcare business (also referred to as childcare on non-domestic premises) please email us at and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a meeting with you to discuss further how we can support you in setting up childcare in Knowsley.
We understand that setting up a childcare business can take a number of months and we can support at any part of the journey including supporting you with:
- Discussion options for suitable premises and signposting to planning if required
- Identifying areas of demand, for more information visit our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment page
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Safeguarding and Welfare requirements
- Ofsted registration
- Quality Assurance and training support
- Support – Funded entitlements
- Staffing
- Marketing and Communications
- Business Planning
Useful Information
The Early Years Alliance - This charity is the largest early year’s membership organisation that offers information and advice to the early years sector
National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) - A charity and membership association for the nursery sector and people working in early years
Professional Association for Childcare Professionals (PACEY) - A charity providing membership support that represents childminders and childcare professionals