Other Local SEND Groups & Activities
Parent Support Groups
- Knowsley Parent Carer Voice (KPCV) - this is the local area parent/carer forum.
- Stars Liverpool
- ADDvanced Solutions Community Network
Groups/activities in and around Knowsley
Some other groups that might offer support and respite (some of which have received Short Breaks grants from the Council, in consultation with KPCV)
- Al's Club is a local group for young adults from 16 years old up (no age limit) with a learning disability/complex medical need in the Knowsley & surrounding areas. They can be contacted via their facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/223450001142972/ Email: alsclub@hotmail.co.uk
- Incredible Edible Knowsley provide workshops for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities using therapeutic horticulture. There are different activities per week and young people will learn about the growing of food from seedling to harvest as well as to have the opportunity to take some of the items home with them that they have made. The project will runs at Activate in Kirkby and Court Hey Park, there are 3 work shops per week each work shop consisting of an hour. For further information, please contact Karen Mower, karen.mower@knowsleycommunityhub.co.uk 07925 529585
- Moving Senses are a respite group for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, our sessions provide stimulation in a nurturing and fun environment. They can be contacted via their facebook page - www.facebook.com/movingsensespositivefutures or via email: info@movingsenses.com Tel: 07846784378 http://movingsenses.co.uk/ Click HERE for a video about Moving Senses
- Bit of Everything is a bespoke performing arts group for teenagers and young adults with learning disabilities that like to do ‘a bit of everything’ when it comes to the arts, such as singing, dancing and acting. They can be contacted via their facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/BOEarts/ or call Dan Pendleton 07929867019 Elaine Kenna 07411350360 Chris Birchall 07517235431
- Young Adult Respite Service (YARS) is a residential respite service, based on taking Young Adults with disabilities (aged 16 – 35) on weekend residentials across the U.K
- Plan B is an inclusive and accessible social activity programme for young autistic adults who live in Knowsley. All Plan B Activities and social experiences are suitable for adults with autism aged between 18 and 30 years. FACEBOOK PAGE - https://www.facebook.com/PlanBKnowsley/
- 3rd Prescot Guides and Rangers are a Girlguide/Ranger unit for girls aged 10-20 with special needs, they meet every Thursday during term time.
- Greenbank Sports Academy is run by The Greenbank Project (Greenbank), a Liverpool based registered charity (Charity Number 513814), which has operated since 1983. The mission statement states it is a centre of excellence in physical education, sport and recreation that is totally user friendly, owned and run by disabled people
- Atkinson Grove Chance for a Break Service provides short term respite care for a maximum of 4 people (18+) with a diagnosed learning disability.
- Relax Kids with Princess Debs - these classes incorporate 7 steps to take children from high energy through to low energy.
- Open access, autism/disabled-friendly swimming sessions for the whole family take place weekly at particular Volair venues – Sunday mornings (9:30am-11:30am) at Bluebell Park School, and Friday evenings (6pm-7pm) at Stockbridge Leisure Centre.
- The LFC Foundation’s Inclusion project provides free sports activities for children, young people and adults with additional learning, behaviour, physical and sensory needs across Merseyside.
- Everton in the Community works tirelessly with disabled people by providing both curriculum and after school provision for up to 50 special schools in the city.
- 'The Family Bee' by The Sensory Hive provides a weekly grup session for parents and carers to share their triumphs, fears, anxieties and wants with those who are non-judgemental and completely supportive. Sessions are running until end March 2022
- Act for Action is an Inclusive social club. Offering drama, music, dance, gardening, arts and crafts and any other activities chosen by the service users.
- Rainbow Kids Ltd CIC aims to provide flexible, high quality day care services to children and young people with a variety of disabilities and complex health needs aged 5-25yrs old.
- Unique & Able Artists run inclusive, therapeutic art sessions for children and young people age 5-25 years with complex disability needs across Knowsley.
- Jigsaw Tots run by Home Start is a weekly 2 hour stay and play session for parent/carers of children with additional needs, not necessarily diagnosed.
- Energise by Endorphins engaging and inclusive group sessions for children and young people age 4-19 can play, learn and build confidence.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board has published a list of the ‘right questions’ for parents to ask providers before allowing their child to participate in any activity/club.- Leaving your child with someone.
To find out about the mainstream activities available to all children in Knowsley see our Places to go, things to do website. You can also see available services with SEN&D Activities including Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings and the CEA Card